About us

Divine Loire is a specialist online guide to Loire Valley wine tasting & wineries. Organize your wine tour in a breeze.

The “Divine Loire” project started in 2019. Its ambition: to promote Loire Valley wines, its wineries and, more generally, wine tourism in the Loire Valley.Wine tourism is a major asset of the Loire Valley. Quality of the welcoming, diversity of the vineyard, wines at affordable prices, visits to labeled cellars … Each year, 6 million people come to visit local wineries and taste their wines. No surprise that the Loire Valley is a favorite region in France for wine tours after Bordeaux and Champagne.After a year of preparatory work, our online platform was launched in March 2020.Divineloire.fr has now been online for a few months … and is preparing for the coming year with optimism.We hope our website will help wine lovers around the world discover Loire Valley wines. And also, guide you in organizing wine tastings and local winery tours … conditions permitting…Cheers!
Malcolm Boyd Founder of Divine Loire